InfoAmazonia costing nature maps
Illegal logging, urban sprawl, advancing agricultural frontier and impacts of infrastructure works are the villains of deforestation in the Amazon. Projections made by a mapping tool indicate that, at current rates, hard woods will last just a little more than two centuries. Fortunately, this same technology may be able to help prevent the deforestation. Costing Nature […]
Sport Statistics: 2015 NFL Preview
Sports statistics allow visual journalists the opportunity to analyze data, identify trends and learn how a player contributes to a team’s success. In this doubletruck previewing the 2015 NFL season, the data is presented in bar, doughnut and fever charts. The data demonstrates NFL’s transition to a pass first league. From a glance, the reader can quickly identify […]
How Farm Machinery Works
Today, farming infuses intuition with the use of modern machinery. In a Greenfield Daily Reporter news package, Beneath The Beast, a static diagram that makes sense of a modern planter. At first glance, a planter is a maze of steel, plastic, alloy and aluminum lined with various hoses, tubes and wires. While certainly intimidating from its exterior, the […]
Streamline Water Motion Graphic
In 2014, Streamline Water –a bottleless water cooler supplier – wanted a tool to help begin conversations with potential clients. The goal was to educate and inform people about their products before their sales team attempted to sell. They also had a specific metric for success: they wanted to increase contacts with decision-makers by 25 […]
Assessing graphics potential
The ability to spot graphics potential in a story is one of the most important skills a graphics reporter can possess. Furthermore, conversations about whether a story warrants graphic support should occur as a story is developing, not after it’s complete. Of course, deadlines, breaking news, or even simple breakdowns in communication may prevent a […]
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